Medicine is an art
Consultations with physicians


Together with its team of dermatologists, venereologists and other physicians and specialists from related fields the AZARYAN MEDICAL CLINIC provides a broad range of medical services within a one-stop medical centre. This is exactly the kind of approach that makes it possible to properly identify the root causes of numerous diseases which is essential to their successful treatment and further prevention.

Our team consists of experienced medical professionals, true masters of their craft, who keep learning and upgrading their knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine.

Patients of the AZARYAN MEDICAL CLINIC are given an opportunity to choose their treating physician – a dermatologist, paediatric dermatologist and trichologist.

You will be able to get help from qualified physicians, undergo diagnostic procedures, receive recommendations for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions, have neoplasms removed with the best state-of-the- art medical equipment, as well as undergo clinical and laboratory tests necessary to ascertain the diagnosis and monitor treatment.

Booking an appointment
with a specialist
Booking an appointment over the phone: Register for a visit
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